Due Diligence

ETG personnel are experienced in completing environmental due diligence activities, including Phase I ESAs, at sites ranging from small, simple commercial or undeveloped properties to large, complex industrial sites. The Phase I ESAs have been related to property transactions, due diligence for corporate acquisitions, and lending institution foreclosures. During the past five years, ETG personnel have completed Phase I ESAs in Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, and in British Columbia, and Quebec, Canada, and Tamaulipas, Mexico. ETG has also completed numerous combined Phase I ESA and limited Phase II site investigations to evaluate the potential risk posed by recognized environmental conditions (RECs) identified early in the Phase I ESA process. The combined approach provides a cost savings to our clients, and can also define the risk posed by the REC prior to completing the Phase I ESA.
We dedicate ourselves to quality, timeliness, and ensuring that our environmental due diligence efforts are aligned with the business needs of our clients. All ETG Phase I ESAs comply with the current American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice E 1527-05, which fulfills the standards and practices for the All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI) as defined in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 312. We believe that our knowledge and expertise in investigating, remediating, and closing sites provides us with a broader understanding of potential environmental impacts and their associated cost and impact to a property transaction while conducting a Phase I ESA.