Eastern United States
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and
Post-Occupancy Environmental Condition Survey
Confidential Manufacturing Client
Monroe, Connecticut
ETG was contracted to perform a Phase I ESA and Post-Occupancy Environmental Condition Survey to describe current site conditions, identify RECs that may have been created by the client’s operations, and identify any cleanup activities that may be required. The overall purpose of the assessment was to qualify the client for the landowner liability protections to the CERCLA. A records review was performed to review federal and state government agency lists regarding hazardous materials facilities within the prescribed ASTM minimum search distance from the Site. ETG personnel also reviewed files and pertinent maps regarding Site history, zoning, planning, and development and conducted a reconnaissance of the Site and adjoining properties. ETG personnel also reviewed and summarized information from previous Phase I ESAs for this site. One REC was identified at the Site. ETG recommended that a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment be performed to identify the extent and magnitude of contamination at the Site.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and
Post-Occupancy Environmental Condition Survey
Confidential Manufacturing Client
Chattanooga, Tennessee
A Phase I ESA and Post-Occupancy Environmental Condition Survey was conducted to describe current site conditions, identify potential RECs that may have been created by the client’s operations, and identify any cleanup activities that may be required. A records review was performed to identify hazardous materials facilities within the prescribed ASTM minimum search distance from the Site. ETG personnel also reviewed files and pertinent maps regarding Site history, zoning, planning, and development and conducted a reconnaissance of the Site and adjoining properties. ETG personnel also reviewed and summarized information from previous Phase I ESAs for this site. Several recognized environmental conditions were identified. ETG recommended solutions to these issues which included treatment of contaminated soil under the building using enhanced bioremediation technology.