Enviromental Technologies Group


Eastern United States


In-Situ Bioremediation of Soil and Groundwater
Hostess Brands
East Brunswick, New Jersey

ETG is contracted by Hostess Brands to implement an in-situ bioremediation program at the site.  The remediation was prompted by the presence of the chlorinated compound PCE, which was discovered in the groundwater in the unconsolidated overburden aquifer.  The work involves in-situ bioremediation being conducted with a BioLanceTM Remedial System.  The BioLanceTM System consists of electrode grids with accompanying injection points.  A low voltage, direct current (DC) electrical charge is applied to the grids producing dissolved molecular hydrogen.  Nutrients and biomass are injected via the injection points every two weeks creating a zone of reductive biotransformation of contaminants at enhanced rates.  Groundwater monitoring occurs quarterly to monitor changes in groundwater quality and to assess the progress of the bioremediation program.  The Pilot Study was approved by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) in July 2003 under a Permit-By-Rule, and operation of the system commenced in December 2003.  Due to the success of the pilot study, this bioremediation technology has continued to be applied to the site under subsequent permits.  Since the last two-year Permit-By-Rule was approved in 2007, the NJDEP has modified its policy to issue Long-Term Permit-By-Rule for ongoing remediation.  The bioremediation program achieved a 75 to 95% reduction in chlorinated hydrocarbons.



In Situ Bioremediation Services
Interstate Brands Corporation Sites
Daytona, Key Largo, Tampa, and Jacksonville, Florida

ETG personnel provided in-situ bioremediation services for IBC sites in Florida.  The scope of work included: development of enhanced and augmented bioremediation program work plans for petroleum contamination, implementation of the bioremediation programs, and quarterly performance monitoring and reporting.  Within four years, all four sites were compliant with Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Groundwater Cleanup Target Level (GCTL) limits and NFA letters were issued.  The bioremediation programs reduced contaminant levels by 98 to 100% at all the sites.



Enhanced Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil
Confidential Manufacturing Client
Chattanooga, Tennessee

A previous Phase I ESA conducted by ETG had identified petroleum contamination under the concrete floor of the facility building.  ETG personnel treated the soil and fill material under the building using a series of applications of specific materials designed to enhance the natural biodegradation of petroleum constituents.  Treatment materials were first diluted to the appropriate concentrations in large 30-gallon buckets, and then slowly applied to the fill material under the floor through the joint in the concrete slab floor of the equipment vault.  The treatment regime included the addition of naturally occurring microorganisms isolated from soils and selectively grown to promote populations of microbes capable of rapidly degrading petroleum product contamination.  Additional treatment compounds included nutrients, a dilute surfactant (allows better penetration of the aqueous solution into any oil-saturated pore spaces of the soil), and a dilute solution of H2O2, at a concentration of approximately 0.002%.  Over time, the H2O2 degrades in the subsurface into water (H2O) and molecular oxygen (O2).  The oxygen can then be used by the microbes for metabolic processes and growth. The oily contamination in the soil would serve as a source of carbon and energy for the same microbial growth that was supported by the oxygen.  Following treatment activities, ETG prepared a report detailing the treatment of the site.


© 2007-2011 Environmental Technologies Group, Inc.
Special Thanks to Dreamclinic Creative.