
ETG is very knowledgeable and experienced in providing asbestos services. We perform asbestos inspections, manage asbestos abatement projects, perform industrial hygiene surveillance and air monitoring, and develop asbestos management plans for facilities containing asbestos. These services are performed and designed to meet our client’s specific needs. Asbestos inspections are often carried out as part of the due-diligence process during commercial property transactions and corporate acquisitions.
ETG personnel have conducted asbestos surveys on facilities ranging from small residential properties to large industrial facilities, and have prepared operations and maintenance plans for industrial facilities needing to safely manage the material in-place. We have also managed largescale abatement projects on industrial facilities across the United States, where clients simply wanted to remove the asbestos and the potential liabilities associated with it. Additional services include air quality monitoring during normal facility operations in order to provide data demonstrating safe work environments for employees.